
At Woodmancote Church we are committed to building a biblical community and to this end seek to encourage and enable people to:

  • become fully committed followers of Jesus 
  • reach out to others with the love of Jesus
  • demonstrate the local church as effectively continuing the ministry of Jesus 

We hope that you will find this website helpful in answering some of the questions you might have about the church.   More about us, a brief history of the church and information about what we believe can be found in the about us pages.  

If there is anything else you would like to know please either contact us or better still come to visit us

We meet on Sunday mornings at 10.30am for a service of about 45-60 minutes and, unless otherwise announced, communion is celebrated on the last Sunday morning in each month.  We also meet on Thursday mornings between 9.15-10.15am for prayer and between 10.30-11.30am for you to just pop in to the church for a chat. 

Please regularly check this website for information on other of our activities. 

Recordings of previous sermons can be found here.     

Details of the CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED course can be found here and you can also indicate your interest in attending the next course which is expected to start shortly.